What if, in 90 minutes, your new grad could learn everything they need to know about getting their first job?

And then have a mentor to walk them through the steps?

Below are some of the topics I cover in this course:

Prepare your social media for a job search

Don't let that one post cost you the job. Find out what you might want to modify in your social media

Be sure your email is job-search ready

Find out why your email address matters and learn how to modify yours to give yourself the best chance of being contacted by a potential employer

Develop your phone strategy

Don't be one of the many people who lose an opportunity because of the way they do (or don't) answer the phone. Understand why, so you can decide on your phone strategy before you start getting calls for interviews

Walk through the process from start to finish

Write your resume and cover letter right in the course with included templates

Experience how and where to search for a job

Learn how to fill out a job application correctly

Prepare for Your Interviews

Learn about common interview questions and how to prepare for them

Find out what questions you should ask the interviewer

Prepare for the second interview

Need help?

Just send me your resume, or cover letter, or other questions. I will answer you personally

Hi, I'm Susan Gueye

I have been hiring people from entry level to seasoned professional for over thirty years.

I've seen many new job seekers at a disadvantage because they just did not know how to look for a job.

That is why I created this course. We need good people in the workforce and new graduates need to be able to compete.

This course will help your graduate clarify what kind of job they want, write a resume and customizable cover letter with included templates, and practice answering interview questions.

But that is only part of the equation. In this course, we walk through what constitutes a professional email address, how you should answer the phone or email when invited for an interview, what to do about your social media, and so much more.

Plus, I give course participants my email address so they can show me their resumes and ask about anything they have questions about.

You can see the entire curriculum below.

And please check out my blog at www.ToBeEmployable.com

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